Key to success?

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Crossing the starting line

Well that’s it I’ve emailed the letter off to some choice schools. I’m now holding my breath to see what is going to happen. I’m predicting that they will not even read it and just put it as junk. I’m hoping that they won’t, best case scenario is that I get a meeting out of it. I’m very one reads my blog why would any of these people pay me any attention either? The fliers, I have been promised, will be done by the end of this week, then the plan would be to finish the room and then I’m ready to go. I cleared a book of books at the weekend so the room is a little clearer but I need to continue the clearing out. Who knew such a small room could hold so much rubbish – more importantly why do I find it so hard to throw it all away? My ex’s rubbish was easy, it is all the childhood stuff that is hard to let go of.

Anyway...progress has been made....even if it doesn’t amount to anything!

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