Key to success?

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

It will be good to be clean....WILL being the word!

It is early....too early for me. I’m not coping since my cat decided that every night he wanted to turn into Schizophrenia cat! He runs around on the bed chasing invisible animals and his tail....then he stop and stares at the wall whilst meeping.
I had a revelation last night....I’m going to have to keep my flat clean if kids are coming to have lessons. This is a new concept to this weekend is cleaning weekend.
After my trip to Ikea was most successful...I found everything that I wanted...except I forgot to get a catalogue. Now I just have to get on with ordering it...In the big clean at the weekend I will be clearing out some old junk from that room to get it ready.....I wonder if this is how a new shop keeper feels when they clear out the old rubbish from the previous owner to put in the new stuff? Well, I’m excited the mo it is two steps forward and only one step back....this means I’m ahead...hurrah!
(Oh...and today my dining table arrives....simple pleasures for simple minds I think)

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