Key to success?

Friday, 5 March 2010

The bad egg to teach!

One of my students has come to me via parent desperation. They have been kicked out of school for disruptiveness and they (and I quote) “don’t DO homework”. The parental fraction thought that someone external, with no preconceptions about them, would help bring out the best.

I have to say that this child is a joy to teach. Once they realised that I was fair but firm, and boundaries had to be respected, it went swimmingly. It is a joy when they get something can really see the joy and pride in their face...and the more they get correct, and therefore praised, the harder they work.

Now....don’t get me wrong....there are some bad eggs out there....but I just think it is a shame when some who just needs a break and someone to have faith in them falls through the cracks. My predicted GCSE grade is a C minimum but probably a B...and if we continue the same A. This is all from a student that was given up on and predicted to fail...the school infrastructure really fails us sometimes!

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