Key to success?

Friday, 26 February 2010

....the pull of the paper so much changes in a day. I’ve been given the opportunity to write a couple of scientific papers...could this be enough the sway me back to a nine to five? I think not! Science is great and I love being in the lab but as there is no patient interaction I feel far removed from the action. I can’t get no...satisfaction.
I shall not be so easily bought with academic accolades...ummmm may be there is a way to do both successfully....or will that just make me a jack of two trades and master of none? Discuss.

And so it begins....

So my first blog and I have to say that I’m nervous...I don’t know why.  Well I’m just about to embark on a (hopefully) life changing journey from boring 9 to 5, to exciting own business.  I’m a scientist by day and a tutor by night but I’ve found the teaching much more fulfilling.  It drives me in a way no other job has so I’m taking the into unknown territory...I’m setting up to go full time.  Now I’ve been tutoring for a long time but there is only so many hours in the day...full potential is not being reached, I’m currently turning students down!
Ok here is the plan
1.       Finish renovating the flat
2.       Leaflet the area
3.       Wait for the phone to ring
This seems a little passive so I’m also contacting schools about after school clubs etc and sending my already loyal students out there to spread the word.  I’m worried if anyone will actually come to my house so I can teach them (I’ve only ever gone to theirs before) but we will see.
I’m sooooo excited can you tell....can’t wait to mind dump all the tales...
Ten four...ten four
Over and Out